March 28, 2021 7:19 am Published by

Welcome to my portfolio page. I’m a new media artist. I studied computer programming and have an MA degree in media arts from the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts. I won the Oszkár Glatz Award for my diploma work in 2008. I’ve done various projects in my carrier; at the beginning I made small scale interactive installations, animation, larger scale projections in diverse galleries and museums of Hungary and abroad. In 2013 I started to work with Katalin Lengyel, a contemporary dancer – choreographer and we founded a visual dance theatre called BANDART productions. Our project shot out like a rocket, before the pandemic our shows were invited to +100 festivals on 4 continents, awarded 4 times, performed 400+ shows in 7 years.

Recently I joined a very talented interdisciplinary research group called ANET Lab, where I work as a designer and illustrator. I do infographics, design, programming and animation.
In addition, I’m a media designer and course builder for prof. Erika Kiss’s online innovative courses at Princeton University (Research Film Studio, Cinema in the Times of Pandemic, Hidden History of Hollywood, Environmental Film Studies).

On this site I’d like to focus on my design and applied art works.

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This post was written by sadmin